Sunday 23 March 2014

The Haunted by Jessica Verday

Hey avid readers of the internet, today I am reviewing a book called: The Haunted by Jessica Verday.
UK book cover 

The book continues on from the first book in the trilogy, (The Hollow) which I reviewed, here. Abbey (Abigail) has had a mental breakdown, she is now living with her aunt Marjorie and learning to cope with the breakdown.
She soon gets called back to the town of "Sleepy Hollow"... She soon learns to live with Caspians' mysterious secret! As she throws herself into school work, Perfume making and working at her dad's ice cream store, She learns about Caspians' past and her- Destiny! 

The main characters in the story are:
Abigail- kristens' best friend and Caspian's girlfriend
Caspian- Abigail's boyfriend
Nikolas- Groundskeeper at the cemetery, and Abigail's friend and Katie's husband
Katie- Nikolas's wife and Abigail's friend
Ben- Abigail's friend

I liked this book as its not just a romance story, it has a element of  the supernatural actually that is one of the big elements that makes the story and that factor makes the story more compelling.I like the fact that Caspian's and Abigail's relationship has overcome this big challenge making the love between the two characters more dynamic.

I'm delighted at the fact Abigail is still friends with Katie and Nikolas, they are such Jovial (cheerful)
characters and can make you smile and laugh while your reading this intriguing tale, I am hoping they don't die.

I can't wait to read the next book The Hidden, I want to know what will happen next, I need to as one of the characters May DIE 
and I need to find out who will die.  you can buy the book here or here

As usual it was a pleasure blogging for you until the next post have a great day! bye 


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