Sunday 30 March 2014

Girl Undercover fugutive

Hello avid readers of the internet, I'm here with another review. Today I am reviewing Girl Undercover fugutive by Christine Harris,
It is the second book in the Undercover girl series which follows on from the first book secrets which I reviewed click here

As I mentioned it follows on from the first book called Secrets, It is about a orphaned child prodigy named Jesse Sharpe she's twelve and works for a secret goverment orginization known as C2, we see her and partner and fellow spy Leon solve missions and fight crime...
When Jesse is not fighting crime she is being experimented on by scientists for a unknown project set up by C2,  Jesse is also determined to find out about what happened to her C2 "Brother" Rohan and about her life before C2 "Adopted" her with the help of Director Grange's  personal assistant Prov!

 The characters are: 
Jesse Sharpe- 12 year old spy and child prodigy working for C2
Jai- Jesse's other C2 "Brother" who is also a child prodigy
Leon- Jesse's  partner (not a child or a prodigy)
Director Grange- The head of the secret orginization called C2
Prov (Provinda)- Grangers PA and helping Jesse find out about her past
Rohan- Jesse  and Jai's C2 "Brother" who has gone missing pressumed dead
Mary (I think that was her name I'll check when I go home)- Jesse Rohan and Jai's nanny

 I found this book very interesting as it always keeps you guessing on what happens next and it really makes you feel sorry for Jesse as she doesn't know anything about her family or about what happened to her C2 brother Rohan and why he's gone missing.

But I think the book needs to go more into detail about Jesse's surrounding's as it doesn't lead to the imagination, or how the character is feeling as you don't get a sense of anger or happiness for any of the characters while reading the book.... But overall the book has a very good storyline that makes you want to read more.

I don't really have a favourite character yet as I think I need to finish the whole series to make a judgement.

you can buy the book here and here. Until the next time continue reading bye!  

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