Wednesday 29 January 2014

Top ten books/ Book series to read ever (for teens)

Hello avid readers of the internet Becky here with a top ten review of the best books/ series to read ever (for teens)

1. The hunger games book by Suzanne Collins 
The Hunger Games series  
in the first book of the series follows Katniss Everdeen as she volunteers for her little sister in a televised TV show to fight to the.... Death , she soon becomes the face of rebelion in the next book "Catching fire" where she is re entered into The Hunger Games In the third and final instalment "Mockingjay" she fights in the rebelion, Must read book because of the everlasting suspense and the fact I finished the whole series in a week speaks for itself... well. OK. it doesn't Its the easy to fall in love characters the twist in every page and the way the book is written its exhilarating,exciting and electrifying!  buy it here 
Quote: "Fire Is Catching If We Burn You Burn With Us" Katniss Everdeen Mockingjay

Divergent series 
2. Divergent  by Veronica Roth
In the first book "Divergent" we follow Beatrice Prior as she embarks on choosing a new faction we see her try to get through initiation
In the second book "Insurgent" The faction system is divided and Beatrice is on the run, In the final book "Allegiant" the faction system has collapsed and trusting each over has become vital, I love this series as it is face paced well plotted but it scored second                                                           as the love story didn't seems as strong or as believable as the love                                                           story between Peeta and Katniss in The Hunger Games! buy it here

Quote:" Fear doesn't shut you down it wakes you up" Four Divergent

3.  Gone by Michael Grant

Gone series 
The whole series follows a group of teenagers aged 11-15 deal with the mysterious disappearance of every adult in the town of Peridio beach. With communication with the rest of the world gone the teenagers have to deal with everything that could possibly go wrong, Scary and frightening books that keep you entertained for hours, Scored three on the list as can b a bit difficult to read at times! Buy it here  

Quote: "Welcome to Peridio Beach where our motto is r adiation                                                                            what radiation" Sam Gone

4. Harry Potter J.K Rowling
  Apparently people in the world have no idea what happens in Harry Potter so I shall tell you its about this boy wizard who continually saves the world from the evil wizard! I love this series as its is imaginative, immersive and INCREDIBLE, scored four as the last book is a bit too slowly paced but that's alright! Buy it here 

Quote: "Its leviosa not leviosah" Hermione Granger Harry potter and the philosopher's stone

5. Jinx by Meg Cabot
Jinx by Meg Cabot
Nope this time not a series (even though I WANT IT TOO BE *fangirls*)
Jinx is about a girl nicknamed Jinx who moves too New York to forget about something horrible while in the midst of this she has a ever raging war with Tori her cousin and finds love with the next door neighbour called Zach,  A laugh out loud zany creative book that is so fun to read scored 5 as it needed a sequel which it hasn't got   you can buy it here

Quote: "I Like seals" Jinx (Jean) from Jinx

6. Nightmare Academy by Dean Lorrey
Nightmare Academy book 1 

This series is about a boy named Charlie who can travel to another dimension called the Nightmare dimension, he goes to an academy to control his powers while saving the world from the monsters we have nightmares about, Fun, Frightening and fast paced this book can be a awesome thing to read at 3am scored 6 as you can easily forget the plotline at times! buy here

"You don't know adults like I do they will never forgive me" Edward Pinch monsters revenge

7. In My Dreams I Dance by Anna wafula Strike
In my dreams I dance
A autobiography about the paralympian Anne Wafula strike It made me cry made me feel angry yet made me feel as if i cant't lose my dream my goal and gives me the hope I can carry on it is in on word tearful scored 7 as it made me feel so sad i sometimes couldn't read it for another week! buy it here 

Quote: In, My dreams I dance" Anne in my dreams i dance

8.  Philippa Fisher and the fairy godsister by Liz Kessler

Philippa Fisher's fairy godsister
This series is about a girl who befriends a fairy and saves the world this series is fun, funny,magical and majestic  and it is really imaginative a great read scored 8 as I only just remembered it buy it here 

Quote: "My name is Daisy. Daisy French" Daisy Philippa fisher and the fairy godsister

9. Oven chips for Tea  By Alex Gutteridge
Oven chips for Tea

This book is about a girl called Kat (Katrina) who tries to deal with a family secret. This book made me cry for about four hours it was heartbreaking, tearful and just upsetting and thought provoking scored a 9 as it made me a little depressed! buy it here 

Quote: "Who did I really play Ping Pong for" Kat oven chips for tea

10. Soulmates by Holly Bourne
Soulmates cover

This book is about a girl who falls in love but it comes with a price that endangers the world! I felt sad at the end and it was really beautiful the way the writer ended the story, The book was emotional and fun and was a really good read! scored a 10 just because it was a little bit to lovey- dovey in parts! buy it here

Quote: "Face it Poppy your a big clichÄ—" Lizzie Soulmates

So that is my round up of the ten best books/ books series you should read if you have any suggestions please comment below and until the next post have a great time reading as usual it was a pleasure blogging this for you BYE!

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