Monday 24 February 2014

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Hello avid readers of the internet today I'm reviewing Allegiant by Veronica Roth 
Allegiant quote: " I suppose a fire that burns that bright is not ment to last" 
US book cover
The book continues on from Insurgent and now there are no fractions, Evelyn Eaton (Tobias' mother) continues to rule over  everyone but a rebel group called Allegiant are going to pass through the gate, Where Tris and Tobias discover a earth shattering secret and stop the world they know from being forgotten (literally) 

What I really like is the character development within the book  between Tobias and Evelyn, because as we all know their relationship is very rocky. It was nice to see that Evelyn still cared for Tobias and in the end they could fix their relationship it certainly gave the ending justice since their world has changed which means heir relationship can change for the good!

The next thing I like is the Dual perspective between Tobias and Tris as it was very heart warming to see what Tobias was thinking towards Tris and to see what he gets up to when she's away, It was also nice to see his friendship between the other characters such as Zeke, Peter, Caleb, Marcus, Evelyn and Christina! and it was also nice to see more depth within his personality; 

WARNING: MANY (MAYBE ALL) OF YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS DIE IN THIS SERIES! All of my favourite characters died in this series  THATS RIGHT lynn Marlene and Uriah died =(  (Which is usual but not the main antagonist) I won't tell you who it is as we have at least two main antagonists... So you have to read the series but still it made me cry!

I love this book as it delves more into the secrets of Tris and Tobias' world and the fact we finally know what the secret is makes you want to read more, I love this book also because of the character development within each character in the series  and their was a lot of this development in this third and final book!

buy the book here or here
as usual it was a pleasure blogging for you until the next post have a awesome time until the next review bye

Sunday 23 February 2014

update on new posts and improving previous reviews

SO  as you avid readers of the internet know I've been reading a new series called Divergent and I finished Allegiant a month ago, Hopefully (If I remember to write the post) the Allegiant review shall be posted I've also got a few more posts coming after this!
Future posts and month scheduled for publishing
  • Girl undercover fugitive by Christine Harris (due April)
  • Girl undercover nightmare by Christine Harris (due April)
  • The wishing chair collection by Enid Blyton (due may)
NOW all my previous work ( Meaning my first ever post up until the soulmate's post) shall be improved what I mean is i will detail the plot and go into more depth about my thoughts and add in quotes and photo's of the books!

Anyway I'm off to get ready to plan the next post for you guys also in the comments below give me some suggestions for books to read. Until (hopefully) tomorrow see you then have a great time

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Ruby Redfort catch your death by Lauren Child

Ruby Redfort cover 

Hello avid readers of the internet today I am reviewing Ruby Redfort catch your death by Lauren Child which is the 3rd book in the Ruby Redfort series (I haven't read the first two) the main plot is ruby (thirteen year old child genius code breaker who is training to become a field agent)  has to try to survive a spectrum training test while trying to stop a burglary and save her best friend Clancy clue! The book is edgy and up to date on what's cool with today's youth (I mean come on who doesn't want to wear a T-shirt with the bold imprint of Bored beyond belief) I also like the friendship between Clancy and Ruby the fact that Clancy wouldn't spill a bean even if he was attack by 500 blood thirsty lions now that's dedication and the fact that Ruby completes Clancy's work when she pulls him out of class to help with a mission is heart warming and I tell yeah I ship rucy (Ruby+ Clancy) PLEASE LAUREN CHILD MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!  
I also like the cheeky wit Ruby has it makes me laugh especially when moaning at Clancy or Hitch (I shall now tell you who hitch is I was getting to him anyway) Hitch is the guy who protects Ruby if she's in any danger and also the household butler (A butler who is also a spy WHERE CAN I GET ONE) they have the second best friendship (CLANCY COMES FIRST)
Now I also like this book because of the awesome adventures they have from stopping a perfume making killer kidnaping your friend and stopping a forest fire this book is packed with adventure, wit and some epic t-shirts I want and is fast paced and full of suspence as well as a advertisment that smells of BUBBLEGUM!
Quote: "You really know how to embarrass a kid" Ruby Redfort Catch your death

Now I had to think for five minuets on what the themes were but they were: Friendship ok I could only think of one but if I think of anymore I shall add them onto the list (see I have a list I can BE ORGANIZED)you can buy it here (UK ONLY), here (UK ONLY) or here or here   (next review will be the last book in the divergent series called Allegiant) As usual it was a pleasure blogging for you and until the next post have a awesome time bye!