Sunday 13 November 2016

The book Thief by Markus Zusak

Hello Avid readers of the internet I'm back again this time with a review on a a popular book known as The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

Book cover 
In this book you follow Liesel Meminger, A nine year old girl on a journey of love, loss whilst she discovers her love for literature in the midst of war torn Germany,  In the midst of Himmel street, Liesel will learn to love a variety of people: A accordionist, A Jewish fist fighter and A boy who wants to be Jesse Owens.

There are several key characters in this book:

  • Liesel Memminger- The protagonist of the book who learns to read (there's a lot more to it but it's better if you read it)
  • Rudy Steiner- Liesel's partner in crime
  • Hans Hubbermann- Liesel's accordion playing Papa
  • Rosa Hubbermann- Liesel's loving yet strict Mama
  • Tommy Miller- Lisel and Rudy's deaf friend                                                                                 
  •  Max Vandeburg- Jewish man who hides from the Nazi's in the Hubbermann's basement
  • Death- The narrator of this novel

Now the book thief has become one of my favourite books for several reasons! The first being it's not told in a first person format it's more similar to that of narration which stands this book apart because it's told from the point of view of death, Although this isn't pointed out to you on the paper like 'Hi I'm death I'm narrating this girls story' it's subtext allowing the reader to think and challenge themselves,
 However I think the most interesting thing is the fact that Zusak manages to make a brand new somewhat reinvigorating representation of death; In this story he's somewhat humble and somehow kind instead of being this cruel grim reaper, Zusak also perfectly illustrates to the audience that Death is egotistical and thinks he's better than the mere mortal man - much like any celestial being, but also his tiredness, his wish to stop having to collect souls to have a break from ironically death itself, whilst also showing his interest in us humans and how we find ways to continue going.

One of the other things that sets this book apart from the rest is the highly detailed descriptions within the book, The detail and idea of 'colours' in this book help elevate the story not just in terms of reading but feeling as well it elevates the feelings of hope and loss and the idea of death and change that lingers within this book! The detail of this book helps add extra layers to the relationships shown to us in this book and thus helps add gravitas to the ending... However the only thing that does annoy me with the descriptions in this book is the fact that it isn't sustained throughout the whole of the novel which ,makes the novel a little lackluster at times.

One thing I wish Zusak explored more in this book was the emotional toll the war had on Liesel at the time an although this was looked at here and there I would have liked a more detailed account of Liesel's emotions
 Futhermore I would have liked to have seen more exploration in this novel of not only hate towards Jews (which was explored in a lot of detail as well as race issues at the time) but maybe more towards those with disability... Especially as there was a deaf boy in the book named Tommy Muller and I just would have liked to see more exploration into how he was treated as well (even though I know it focuses on the hate towards Jews it's just a thought)
Leading onto the ending, it was an tear jerking emotional ride which grips you like a vice especially as you didn't think it would be a bombing that would kill them especially as the characters had been safe twice before in the same circumstances, also I think the fact that many characters that were important to Liesel died so cruelly and suddenly had a huge impact. However, you also had an epilouge which told us basic details of Liesels death seventy years later and where however it leaves us wanting to know more which in a way does what a good book (in my opinion should do) leave you with some feeling whether it be hope or dismay and then leave you with questions and wanting more.

A/N: Hi everyone sorry this review took ages to do (two years almost) I had another operation and then GCSE'S and I've just started A-levels so I'm pretty busy however I have been reading quite a bit the next review will either be eleanor and park or the amber spyglass, however, hope you emjoyed the review and see you soon

Saturday 23 January 2016

His Dark materials: The subtle Knife book 2/3 By Philip Pullman

Hello Avid readers I'm back after stressful exams and just general procrastination today I'm reviewing The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman which is the second book in the His Dark Materials series so let's start shall we

The book cover in the UK (2011 edition)
The Plot 
The plot is this: Will has recently murdered a person and has traveled into another world due to going through a window in mid air there he meets twelve year old Lyra Sivertounge (Belacqua) where they become allies in short (because this book has many story lines to it) the alethiometer tells Lyra to search for Dr Mary Malone in Will's Oxford, whilst there the alethiometer is stolen which she has to get help using the subtle knife which she and Will have to find and give to the person who stole it, at the end of the book Lyra is kidnapped
Considering the amount of storyline within the book this is really just a short recap

Lyra Silver tongue- Twelve year old protagonist of the book and the girl who can fulfil her prophesy
Pantalaimon- Lyra's soul/ Daemon
Will Parry- Lyra and and Pan's ally and friend
Serefina pekkala- Queen of the Lake Enara witches and Lyra's ally
Iorek Byrnison- Panserbjørn and king of the ice bears Lyra's friend/ally
Dr Mary Malone-Scientist studying dark matter and a friend of Lyra and Will
Mrs Coulter- Worker for the magisterium and antagonist of the books

I liked the immense and in depth description of both the settings and characters whether that be there emotions or thoughts in the book which, along with the element of surprise and suspense which is entangled through out the book helps hook you in like a fishing rod and you in return will NOT want to put the book down.
However at times I found the book very difficult to understand this only really happened when there were really scientific explanations on "Dark Matter" and "Dust" and causes you to re-read a paragraph every so often which at times can be repetitive and tiresome but the imagination or the use of myth and religion I'm sure more than makes up for it.
Overall this book manages to captivate you with illustrious description and a beautiful use of myth and legend to bring Lyra and Pan's world to life which makes you want to sit there for hours on end trying to finish it. Yes you have to re-read certain parts and at times you forget what's going on in the story due to different perspectives being woven throughout but I'm a hundred percent glad to have read and finished this book it is certainly one to read!
You can buy the book in any bookstore or online.

You can also find me on Wattpad where I now write my own Fanfiction: My Wattpad Account

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Percy Jackson and the battle of the labyrinth By Rick Riordan

Book cover 
Hi avid readers of the internet I am back a little later than I expected due to ALOT OF COURSEWORK!

So today I am reviewing Percy Jackson and the battle of the labyrinth.

Percy Jackson starts a new school and almost dies, which then means he goes to camp half-blood where he finds out Kronos and his gang aided with Luke Castellan are trying to enter the camp using Daedalus's labyrinth. And along with the usual suspects tries to stop them by entering the maze and try to find Daedalus to convince him not to give Luke Ariadne's string.

Percy Jackson-15 year old son of Poseidon and narrator of the story
Annabeth Chase- 15 year old daughter of Athena and Percy's friend
Rachel Elizabeth Dare- Mortal who can see through the mist
Nico Di Angelo- Son of Hades slightly unstable due to his sisters death and out to get Percy
Luke Castellan-  22 year old Son of Hermes and traitor to the Olympians
Grover Underwood- Satyr who is a friend to Percy and Annabeth on a quest to find Pan
Tyson- Percy's Cyclops younger brother
Daedalus- Keeper of the Labyrinth
Quinton- New swordsman at camp Half-blood

My thoughts
I thought the book at the beginning was becoming a bit tiresome as it always started with the same thing (Percy going to school and some all out fight which means he is expelled from his new school and in trouble with the police) which didn't really excite me, or intrigue me it just made the start really repetitive,

Which I think is really bad at a beginning of any story as I think the beginning is the part where the book grabs your attention and pulls you in.

However the book does begin to become more intriguing as you get to the middle especially in the fact of a ghostly fortune telling foretold by the oracle which keeps you   second guessing at who will die which will lead you to the most obvious conclusion... Annabeth!

I also like the fact that we see changes of perception and darker undertones to some of the characters in the book I.E. Clarrise

Another really interesting thing about the book is the subversion from the good vs is bad as you will see in the end but it actually really surprises you and makes you want to cry!

Overall its a really good book and is very intriguing to read

you can buy it here and here 

My other blog the fandomy teenager

ok guys have a super awesome time till the next post bye!

Sunday 12 October 2014

Percy jackson and the Titans curse by Rick Riordan

Hi guys I'm back with another review and as you've already guessed by the title its the third instalment of the Percy Jackson series The titan's curse. (Just too let you know my reviews may be updated less frequently due to school)

So whats the story, well when finding two new demi-gods a member of the gang gets kidnapped and a goddess ends up in chains so Percy tries to save the day.

So in this book there are some new characters yay! Unfortunately people die in this book arrrrgggh (I feel your pain fankind) , so who are these lovely characters that may or may not die? well we have:
Percy Jackson:14 (or 13) year-old demigod and son of Poseidon
Thalia Grace: Thalia is a 15-year-old demigod daughter of Zeus
Annabeth Chase: Annabeth is a 14 year old demigod and the daughter of Athena
Grover Underwood: 28 year-old Satyr
Bianca Di Angelo: Bianca is a 12 year old demigod and the daughter of Hades
Nico Di Angelo:10 year old demigod son of Hades and older sister Bianca Di Angelo
Zoë Nightshade: First lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis
Luke Castellan: 21-year-old demigod son of Hermes
Blackjack (Favourite character hasn't been killed yet): Pegasus whom Percy saved he's the coolest character ever

So why did I like the book? Well I really liked the humour i.e: That Dam cafe' etc which helped take the edge off of the danger and upset throughout the book.
I also like the fact it has a different opening and I like the characterisation of the characters and the backstories given to new characters like Zoe, which made me feel really bad for hating her throughout the entirety of the book, in the end she did make me like her (If you have read the book you'll understand)   I also like the strong sense of protection and care Bianca and Nico have for each over (End of the book and the middle of the book you'll get what I mean)    

What didn't I like about the book? I can't find much fault in the book really only thing I could say is that Percy felt like a side character and not very important and that he needed more recognition, and maybe some more respect from the Hunters (except Artemis she was very good to him)

Overall I loved the book and finished it within two days you can buy it here and here  

Monday 8 September 2014

Percy Jackson: Sea of monsters by Rick Riordan

Book cover (version I own)
Hello avid readers of the internet!  Becky here with another review and this week I am reviewing... Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters by Rick Riordan.

the summary of the storyline: Its percy's second year in Half blood camp, Luke is still alive and plotting his revenge on Olympus... But Percy has bigger problems the border protecting the camp is dying! Percy and his friends MUST find a way to save his home... or they are all in peril!  

Chiron- Camp half bloods director of games
Mr D- Moody director of camp also the god of wine
Taranus- Replaces Chiron in this book only and is the dude that
Tyson (fanart)
can't eat or drink
Annabeth chase- Percy and Grover's best friend and daughter of Athena
Percy Jackson- Best friends with Grover and Annabeth and is Tyson's half brother son of Poseidon
Grover Underwood- Saytr and best friends  with Annabeth and Percy
Clarrise la Rue- camp bully and daughter of Ares
Tyson- Percy's half brother and a Cyclops
Luke Castellan- Son of Hermes and is trying to seek revenge on Olympus

Now I liked the book as it started straight away with a mystery, and gets straight into a bit of twist as see Percy have a dream about Grover ; Which shows us that Grover is in trouble so you end up worrying about Grover, why he's in trouble and wether he's going to die... This then also makes you want to keep reading on till you find out WHERE GROVER IS!!!

also as you continue through the book you'll find the actual plot (see the summary) and it's actually really exciting as it lands you into danger straight away... two GIGANTIC  bronze bulls worth of trouble to be honest and it's just exhilarating to read as its just amazing to hear the demigods take on these magnificent creatures, also its actually a really cool storyline as you don't often see the bermuda triangle as a location within a book and also see cyclopses be the good guys, So it's nice to see yet another twist on mythology and fairytales.

I also like the way Riordans' characters have horrible past's (or future) which adds a good amount of backstory which also shows some awesome character development (Grover) and gives a good amount of character history making them really interesting.

Just one thing gets on my nerves... the fact that Percy is always trying to find a school or is often getting in trouble I know thats the main thing about demigods their scent attracts monsters.. But you know if he cant even survive a day in school without being killed then wouldn't it be better to home-school Percy?  or couldn't it be set as soon as he gets to Half blood camp?


Saturday 30 August 2014

upcoming reviews for september

Hey avid readers of the internet no review today as I'm very busy trying to make the most of my summer holiday so I've decided to tell you about the new book reviews coming soon (there's lots as I've got to read a lot of books especially as I was studying and trying to finish another book I was trying to finish lol you know the struggle)

So the reviews that are planned are (not in reviewing order):
  • The amber spy glass (Philip Pullman) 
  • Percy Jackson and the last Olympian   (Rick Riordan)
  • The mortal instruments: City of Ashes (Cassandra Clare)
  • The mortal instruments: City of Glass (Cassandra Clare)
  • The mortal instruments: City of Fallen Angels (Cassandra Clare)
  • The mortal instruments: City of Lost Souls (Cassandra Clare)
  • The mortal instruments: City of Heavenly Fire (Cassandra Clare)
  • The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel (Cassandra Clare)
  • The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Princess (Cassandra Clare)
  • Paper Towns (John Green)
  • Looking for Alaska  (John Green)
  • The tinkers girl (Catherine Cookson)
  • Fangirl (Rainbow Rowell) 
  • The book thief (Markus Zusak)
  • The magicians nephew (C.S Lewis)
  • Pretty Little Liars (Sara Shepard)
(please note that finishing the last book in any series will take me a long time to read... I have no idea why)
so yeah a lot of reviews and books for me to finish so I hope you're looking forward to the upcoming months bye for now!

Monday 18 August 2014

His dark materials book 1/3: Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

Hello avid readers of the internet, today I'm reviewing (for the second time as the first review was really just a summary) the first book in the trilogy His Dark Materials:  Northern Lights.

The book follows twelve year old Lyra Belacqua, whom is orphaned and has spent ALL of her life in Jordan college in Oxford, But in these times children are being kidnapped... The kidnappers  are known as the Gobblers and are feared throughout England! Then Lyra's best-friend Roger is taken by these  Gobblers... Lyra sets of on a task to save her friend with the help of Gyptians (people in tribes that live on the sea) and an Armoured bear (ice bear warriors) along with the  witches and an Alethiometer- A small compass which allows her the answer to any question she asks and is a key to a prophecy she MUST fulfil-  Together they must save Roger and stop the Gobblers before it is too late.

Lyra at the dining hall 
Now before I continue my review I did leave one little piece of information that summary! why? you may ask that's because I would need to go into extra detail about this one specific thing that would make the summary too long and you'd all probably get confused (Not calling anyone dumb) but in the book it's set in a different world instead of their souls being in their bodies, it is a living animal that lives outside of the body and  it can change shape till their human counterpart grows up this process is known as a "settle"  now they are known as deamons, so Lyra's deamon is known as Pantalaimon (Pan).

Ok so now you know what the summary of the book is and what a deamon is, I can now tell you about the characters

Lyra Belacqua- 12 year old orphaned girl whom saves her friend  
Pan- Deamon/soul
Roger Parslow- 12 year old kitchen boy was kidnapped by gobblers
Salcilla- Deamon/soul
Lord Asriel - Lyra's uncle who is an explorer                                  
Iorek Byrneson      
 Stelmaria- Deamon/soul
Mrs coulter- Rich socialite (at first) but hides a terrible secret
name of deamon uknown but form orange monkey
Lord Far- king of Gyptians
Deamon uknown
 Farder Coram Gyptian member and lover of Serafina Pekkala (witch)
Deamon uknown
Ma Costa- mother of billy Costa (Lyra's friend) also a Gyptian
Deamon unknown
Serafina Pekkla- Queen of the Lake Enara clan witches and lover of Farder Coram
Kaisa  Deamon/Soul
Iorek Byrneson- Ice/Armoured bear Lyra's friend and warrior
Ice bears have no deamons    
Lee Scoreby- Aeronaut and friend of Iorek's
Hester Deamon/soul

Roger Parslow
Now I love this book due to it's immersive setting which really gets you hooked into the book,   his  fantastic gutsy and courageous characters ie: Lyra she can be really caring and loyal to the people she cares about, and can be sneaky and crafty to get the job done (pretend to be somebody else)
Pullman makes his characters  easy to love and sometimes hard to hate!
I also like the idea being to  connected to other worlds ie: Lyra's world connected to this world etc. I also thing the way it's being separated by particles called -"Dust" (only mentioned a couple of times within this book) Is new and impressive and brings a breath of fresh air from the let's get into a time machine and travel  through the parallel world's!
Plus the storyline is very mysterious  ie: What are the gobblers? why are they kidnapping children? what are their intentions? which also holds a little air of suspense!

I also found this book really easy to get into and I actually noticed this straight away just by the cover that the film-: The Golden Compass was based on and I liked that film (UNTIL I READ THE  BOOK
THE BOOK IS BETTER) so that probably helped me get into the book a little bit  but any how I love this book you NEED to read it!! (yes im on page 354 on The Amber Spyglass)

you can  buy the book here and here