Saturday 12 October 2013

Soulmates by Holly Bourne

Hey guys I am back ( sorry for a long wait for the new post was trying to finish this book) now today I am reviewing a book called "Soulmates"

Soulmates book cover
 it's a debut by British writer Holly Bourne; This book is about this seventeen year old girl called Poppy who meets this boy called Noah and basically (I think you've already guessed this) they fall in love but there soulmates,
BUT not alot of them meet so mysterious, strange stuff happens stuff like: Blackouts, earthquakes and other natural disasters (now I shall not reveal anymore its up-to you to read the book)   But I shall tell you the characters.

Poppy Lawson- seventeen year old college student also Noah's soulmate
Noah Jenkins- eighteen year old bass guitarist for the local band also Poppy's soulmate
Lizzie- Poppy's friend and journalist
Ruth- Poppy's friend and local heart breaker
Amanda- Poppy's friend and Johno's girlfriend
Johno- Amanda's boyfriend
Frank- Poppy's friend in college
Dr Anita Beaumont- A doctor that helps conduct experiments on soulmates
Dr Rain- Dr Beaumont's assistant
I really enjoyed this book as it has a really brilliant storyline as it takes what we think of "soulmates" and turns it upside down (in a good way) I also like the fact I can relate to the characters and the fact that their personalities are so lifelike!

Also I love Poppy's friend Lizzie she adds humour to the book as well as some well needed guidance she has alot of determination especially when she decides to write a article for the local newspaper
I also like frank he has a good sense of humour and also likes to insult people and acts so hipster-ish at times which makes him such a cool relaxed character that adds even more mysterious to the book 
 and I shall tell you now the ending is so heart breaking I shed a tear! you can find the book at here and Here
till the next post see ya next time

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