Saturday 6 April 2013


Cookie is a book about a girl called beauty cookson and her mum and their life with beauty's abusive dad and being bullied at school, moving away and starting a new life with her mum. 

Cookie UK book cover
I found parts of the book very heartbreaking... especially when Beauty's pet bunny died due to her dad letting it out of its hutch and letting it be eaten by a fox, and this was all because her dad doesn't want a pet in the house.  But I like because it proves even the people that seem the weakest are the strongest
(I haven't read this book in ages so I will check the character names when I get home)
Beauty Cookson (Cookie)- 12 year old girl being abused by her father 
Miss Cookson- Cookies mum also abused by her husband 
Mr Cookson- Cookies father who is abusive 
Skye- Cookies bully 
Rhona- Skye and Cookie's friend 
Tim and Princess (I've gotten the name's wrong I think) - Become cookies friends when cookie moves away 
Sam/Hutch- Cookies favourite TV presenter and his pet rabbit
 My favourite character has to be Beauty as she has a heart of gold, shes so sweet and tries not to let anything get to her.  I love the fact she got over her bullying very well when she moved away from her abusive father, I mean she did cry a little and shouted at her mum... Wouldn't you if you'd have been bullied by a very snobbish girl? 

My least favourite character is Skye, she is such a stuck up one dimensional character, who only thinks of herself, she doesnt care who she hurts to get what she wants... I know we have people like that in reality but in a book you feel what the main character feels... And I felt so sorry for cookie as Skye was one of the people that pushed Cookie to her breaking point 

a emotional heartbreaking story that must be read it is a beautifullly written book with suspense in every page and it makes yu cry #prepareforthetissues buy it at here

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