Sunday 13 November 2016

The book Thief by Markus Zusak

Hello Avid readers of the internet I'm back again this time with a review on a a popular book known as The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

Book cover 
In this book you follow Liesel Meminger, A nine year old girl on a journey of love, loss whilst she discovers her love for literature in the midst of war torn Germany,  In the midst of Himmel street, Liesel will learn to love a variety of people: A accordionist, A Jewish fist fighter and A boy who wants to be Jesse Owens.

There are several key characters in this book:

  • Liesel Memminger- The protagonist of the book who learns to read (there's a lot more to it but it's better if you read it)
  • Rudy Steiner- Liesel's partner in crime
  • Hans Hubbermann- Liesel's accordion playing Papa
  • Rosa Hubbermann- Liesel's loving yet strict Mama
  • Tommy Miller- Lisel and Rudy's deaf friend                                                                                 
  •  Max Vandeburg- Jewish man who hides from the Nazi's in the Hubbermann's basement
  • Death- The narrator of this novel

Now the book thief has become one of my favourite books for several reasons! The first being it's not told in a first person format it's more similar to that of narration which stands this book apart because it's told from the point of view of death, Although this isn't pointed out to you on the paper like 'Hi I'm death I'm narrating this girls story' it's subtext allowing the reader to think and challenge themselves,
 However I think the most interesting thing is the fact that Zusak manages to make a brand new somewhat reinvigorating representation of death; In this story he's somewhat humble and somehow kind instead of being this cruel grim reaper, Zusak also perfectly illustrates to the audience that Death is egotistical and thinks he's better than the mere mortal man - much like any celestial being, but also his tiredness, his wish to stop having to collect souls to have a break from ironically death itself, whilst also showing his interest in us humans and how we find ways to continue going.

One of the other things that sets this book apart from the rest is the highly detailed descriptions within the book, The detail and idea of 'colours' in this book help elevate the story not just in terms of reading but feeling as well it elevates the feelings of hope and loss and the idea of death and change that lingers within this book! The detail of this book helps add extra layers to the relationships shown to us in this book and thus helps add gravitas to the ending... However the only thing that does annoy me with the descriptions in this book is the fact that it isn't sustained throughout the whole of the novel which ,makes the novel a little lackluster at times.

One thing I wish Zusak explored more in this book was the emotional toll the war had on Liesel at the time an although this was looked at here and there I would have liked a more detailed account of Liesel's emotions
 Futhermore I would have liked to have seen more exploration in this novel of not only hate towards Jews (which was explored in a lot of detail as well as race issues at the time) but maybe more towards those with disability... Especially as there was a deaf boy in the book named Tommy Muller and I just would have liked to see more exploration into how he was treated as well (even though I know it focuses on the hate towards Jews it's just a thought)
Leading onto the ending, it was an tear jerking emotional ride which grips you like a vice especially as you didn't think it would be a bombing that would kill them especially as the characters had been safe twice before in the same circumstances, also I think the fact that many characters that were important to Liesel died so cruelly and suddenly had a huge impact. However, you also had an epilouge which told us basic details of Liesels death seventy years later and where however it leaves us wanting to know more which in a way does what a good book (in my opinion should do) leave you with some feeling whether it be hope or dismay and then leave you with questions and wanting more.

A/N: Hi everyone sorry this review took ages to do (two years almost) I had another operation and then GCSE'S and I've just started A-levels so I'm pretty busy however I have been reading quite a bit the next review will either be eleanor and park or the amber spyglass, however, hope you emjoyed the review and see you soon